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Baltic Essentials discounts & deals available today
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BalticEssentials.com has received mixed reviews from users. On Trustpilot, the company has an average rating of 2.9 from 2 reviews, with customers reporting issues such as defective products and poor customer service. One user mentioned that a Baltic Amber Teething Necklace broke after a few months of occasional use, and the company only offered a partial discount on a replacement. Another user reported that the dog amber collar did not repel fleas as claimed and started losing pieces of amber.
On the other hand, the company's own website features numerous positive reviews. Customers have praised the effectiveness of the products in relieving pain and discomfort, particularly for teething babies and children. Many users have shared stories of how the Baltic Amber necklaces helped reduce drooling, fussiness, and even fevers in their children. Some customers have also mentioned that the products helped with conditions like acid reflux and eczema.
Overall, while there are some negative reviews, many customers have had positive experiences with Baltic Essentials products, especially in terms of their therapeutic benefits.
Baltic Essentials
(2090 ratings)
Balticessentials.com offers a variety of coupons and discount codes to help customers save on their purchases. Currently, there are 57 active coupon codes available, with discounts ranging from 10% to 77% off select items.
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On average, shoppers save about 23.5% when using these coupons. Additionally, Baltic Essentials frequently updates its offers, launching approximately 4.5 new coupon codes each month, indicating a strong commitment to providing discounts.
For those looking to maximize savings, it is advisable to check the website regularly or subscribe to their newsletter for the latest promotions and exclusive offers.